American Benedictine Catholic University

Our mission is to bring the educational experience of American Benedictine Catholic University to anyone, at any time worldwide, with a focus on convenience, flexibility, and quality.

Our goal is to bring the university closer in person. Blended and virtual to all those who want to access Higher Education studies with American quality.

We are accredited by the American Council of Higher Education and Accreditation Federal Government (ACHEA).

Helping students build better communities around the world

Our goal is to encourage inquiry and active learning, helping our students gather knowledge to solve problems, make decisions, and define values ​​around real-world issues that apply to their work and community settings. While some of the programs we offer can also be found in residence, we collaborate with Unibenedictine’s world-class faculty to develop unique programs that provide rich educational opportunities tailored to the market-based needs and professional experiences of our students at a global level world.

Degrees you can find at UniBenedictine:


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