The American Benedictine University School of Canon Law confers the academic degrees of Bachelor’s/Master’s and Doctorate in Canon Law.

The objective of the Doctoral Program in Canon Law is to achieve qualified experts who combine a broad domain of a certain topic, together with the management of the appropriate scientific methodology, and the ability to contribute original research to the advancement of knowledge within it. . It can be done in any field of Canon Law.

For this, the theological-canonical principles and the laws of the Church are studied and explained in their historical connections and in their exegetical sense, so that students can understand the spirit, the origin, the evolution, the theological sense and the end. pastoral law of the Catholic Church.

Pius IX, by letter from the Congregation for Studies dated August 16, 1876, admitted that the Faculty of Canon Law was established in the Theological Institutes, to teach this discipline and grant academic titles, taking into account everything observed by The Institute. Theological. both by law and by custom when conferring the degrees of the other faculties. Leo XIII confirmed and ratified this concession by letter dated July 29, 1896.

UniBENEDICTINE specifically pursues the objective of cultivating canonical science within the mystery of the Church and thus training qualified canonists, both for the study, teaching and application of ecclesial law in accordance with the living tradition of the Church. Church, so that they know how to collaborate in its continuous renewal and adaptation to the needs of the times; and to fulfill particular functions necessary for the life of the universal Church and of the particular Churches.

All this taking into account that the law of the Church must always fight for the supernatural good of the individual faithful and for the construction of ecclesial communion.

Finally, the Institute renewed its study program in execution of the Novo Code Decree issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education on September 2, 2002 with which, by making changes to the Constitution Ap. Sapientia Christiana and the Ordinances applied to it , the study cycles of the Faculties of Canon Law are reorganized.


  • Introduction to Holy Scripture
  • The Mystery of God
  • Christology
  • Philosophical Anthropology
  • Introduction to Canon Law
  • Sacraments
  • Latin
  • Hierarchical Constitution of the Church
  • State Ecclesiastical Law
  • Public and concordat law
  • Faithful, lay people and associations
  • Introduction to civil law
  • Marriage
  • General Rules
  • Munus Docendi
  • The function of sanctifying
  • Canonical current issues.
  • Judicial praxis
  • Administrative practice
  • Psychology and marriage law
  • Canonical synthesis
  • Dissertation
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